
When I started thinking more carefully about my finances, I realized that there were a few things I really needed to focus on protecting. For starters, I had a pretty decent savings, but I knew that any emergency could completely drain the resources I had worked so hard to accumulate. This blog is all about finding great insurance companies who can help with everything from coverage to offering great discounts on the things you need to use each and every day. Check out this blog for great information that might change your life for the better. After all, you never know when disaster will strike.

Buying Your First Home? 4 Tips To Keep Your Home Insurance At An Affordable Rate

10 June 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Now that you own a home, you're going to need homeowners insurance. While your home insurance won't be the most expensive aspect of home ownership, it will be a monthly expense that you need to consider. The last thing you want to do is pay too much for your home insurance. Here are four methods you can use to keep your home insurance at an affordable rate. Install a Home Security System Read More …

4 Reasons Your Auto Insurance Has Spiked

10 June 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Most people want to save money on things like auto insurance. They don't like the idea of overpaying, and why should they? There is no reason to pay more for insurance if you don't have to. Educating yourself on the reasons why your insurance might change in price can help you prevent having unnecessary changes in your insurance costs. Here are some reasons that your auto insurance has increased. 1. You Are Driving More Read More …

4 Factors That Affect Your Auto Insurance

9 June 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Carrying auto insurance is incredibly important. For your own safety you should always have an active auto insurance policy for every person in your home that has a drivers license. Even if they don't own a car, or drive a car very often, there is always a chance that they will have to drive someone else's car, rent a car and so forth. Many people wonder what factors affect the amount that you pay in auto insurance. Read More …

Business Owners Policy Insurance And Workers Compensation Insurance: Which Do You Need For Your Business?

8 June 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

If you own a small business, you may find yourself wondering what type of insurance is needed to protect your business and the money you have invested in to it. Many people make the mistake of purchasing only a business owners policy, or BOP, or workers compensation insurance, when they may need both policies or the opposite one they purchase. Here are a few of the factors you need to consider when determining which type of insurance policy you need for your business. Read More …

A Few Variables That Impact Homeowners Insurance Cost

8 June 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

If there is ever any damage that your home sustains during a flood, hurricane, fire, or any other emergency, it is often going to be your homeowners insurance that covers the cost of the home repairs. It is therefore very important that you have very good insurance. You want to have the very best insurance, but you do not want to have the insurance to burn a hole in your pocket. Read More …